Weekly Roundup Juniors
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly Round-up - Junior School
Welcome back and Happy New Year! It’s been great to be back together in school again and lovely to hear all of the children’s news.
On Tuesday, the staff had a productive day talking about teaching and learning. Sophie and Mrs Lewis taught everyone about metacognition (learning how we learn and approach problems) and Sara spoke about how we can continue to support every child in the best way.
I have seen some lovely work already this week. Year 5 have been writing poetry, and Filip shared a wonderful poem with me about Superheroes – we hope you enjoy it:
Superheroes are rarely seen,
So if you saw one, lucky you’ve been
Soaring swiftly in the sky,
Capes billowing, watch them fly!
Villains try to block their way,
But once again they save the day.
Burgling, murder, evil spies
Are stopped by piercing laser eyes.
Muscular arms so big and strong,
That they rip ladders rung by rung,
So my advice (just in case you meet them)
Because they saved you, just respect them.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
Hope you have a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons