Collective Worship
At St Saviours Infant's we have a daily Collective Worship/Assemblies for Years 1 and 2 where we come together to explore our school's Caring Code and celebrate being part of the St Saviours School community.
Reception children join in with Friday's Celebration Assembly from October half term. All children end the day with a stilling - a quiet time to reflect on the day thinking about what they have enjoyed or their hopes for the next day.
Collective Worship and Assemblies
Monday - Welcome to the Week - We explore our Caring Code and what it means to be part of the St Saviours school community, key themes for the week or projects that we are working on together
Tuesday - Question Time - A big question is posed which is explored firstly through the lens of Christian distinctiveness, making links with the Caring Code and then thinking how these links may be evident through other faiths and beliefs.
Wednesday - Singing - Songs may include songs that reinforce and promote self esteem and mental wellbeing, faith songs and songs linked to seasonal change
Thursday - Poetry - Children are invited to share their favourite poems or poems that they have written and we learn poems together to perform
Friday - Celebration - This is a wonderful time to celebrate children's Learning to Learn Awards, achievements in spelling and handwriting, achievements in out of school activities, birthdays and school attendance. This is all rounded off with songs and lots of clapping.
We have strong links with St Saviours Church and they are invited to come into school and lead a Collective Worship twice a term. We also walk to Church to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter. All Collective Worship and Assemblies end with a prayer which is invitational.