Parent's FAQ
What does a typical day look like at St. Saviour's Junior School?
Follow this link to find out more, including times of the day.
Is there a morning tuck shop?
No we don't run a morning tuck shop but we do encourage children to bring a healthy snack (no chocolate or sweets please) to have at break time.
Can parents and families come to assemblies?
Parents and families are very welcome to the Infant and Junior celebration assemblies on a Friday (Infant at 9:10am and Juniors at 10:15am). Special assemblies including, Christmas, Easter and Class Assemblies will be on the school calendar.
I want to discuss my child's progress with the class teacher. How do I do this?
Make contact with the class teacher and ask to book an appointment. We also have parent's evenings during the Autumn and Spring terms.
My child wants to join an after school club!
Speak to the class teacher or office to find out what clubs are running. The school runs two different types of clubs. Clubs that are free and offered by the school staff and clubs are run by external providers - these are usually paid clubs. We also run Breakfast and After School Clubs. More information can be found by speaking to the school offices or on the website.
Does the school set homework?
We want children to have meaningful and purposeful homework that still allows for family time and activities outside of school. If you only have time to do one thing with you children please hear them read and read to them!
Can I make school payments (for example, school dinners) online?
Yes you can, please speak to the school offices for more information.
I am new to the school. What do the teachers look like and what are their names?
See the link below for pictures of our school team.
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