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01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Religious Education

As a church school, we have clear Christian values and a Christian ethos embedded throughout our school community. The school’s ‘Caring Code’ is a key part of school life and is a fundamental expression of our Christian Values. ‘We show we care, show respect and do our best’. It establishes in clear and positive terms our expectations for the ways that we relate to each other.


As well as maintaining a broadly Christian ethos, our school teaches RE in accordance with the Awareness, Mystery and Value (AMV), the Agreed Syllabus for Somerset, 2019. Through this, we teach children about key festivals and celebrations throughout the school year, as well as focussing more deeply on Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.


Religions are taught on the basis of learning about what some people around the world believe in and finding out what we can learn from their beliefs. Pupils who follow the RE programme in our school gain a deep knowledge and understanding of the teachings, practices and life stories expressed in a variety of ways within Christianity and other principal religions and world views. Through reflection on their own beliefs and values in the light of their learning, they grow in respect for themselves and others.


Our children receive a daily act of collective worship that reflects our ethos and values. In this special time of the day children have the opportunity to come together to share moments of reflection, whole school news, sing together, meeting and listening to visitors, such as the Reverend Rob, and to celebrate our achievements together. Children have the opportunity to learn faith songs in some of our singing assemblies and are expected to listen respectfully to our prayers, responding with a quiet Amen if they wish to do so. parents and carers are invited to our Friday 'Celebration Assembly' when achievements from the week are celebrated.


In Reception, children learn about people in the local and wider community and explore the similarities and differences between people’s cultures, traditions and beliefs. Children are encouraged to make observations of people and places, to question these observations and to discuss their ideas. Reception classes perform their Nativity and begin making links with the local Church. In Key Stage 1, children continue to explore key religions in more depth and visit places of worship.
