At our Junior School
Class Dojo is a fun and interactive tool for the classroom. It allows children to have their own 'Critter' character who will collect or lose points based on the achievements or challenges they may face throughout the school day.
The schools Behaviour Policy (attached below) explains how Class Dojo is used to support and encourage our school values and aims of:
Children are rewarded Dojo Points for demonstrating these values.
For example, maybe your child gets a 'Respect' point for listening carefully when it’s their friends turn to talk. They could receive a point for showing ‘Aspiration’ by choosing a challenge and showing resilience.
Every point collect goes toward personal and class rewards
For more information, speak to the class teacher, read the behaviour policy and have a look at the videos and links below.
What about serious behaviour issues?
The policy also includes a red and yellow card system - please read the policy for more information.
What do the children say about Class DoJo?
‘Dojo Points help me to know when I have shown integrity, respect, empathy, enthusiasm and aspiration’ Sophia (Y3)
‘I am now getting more Dojo Points because I am showing and have better learning skills, like listening’ George (Y3)
‘I love getting Dojo points by showing the school values. I get Dojo points for good maths work and being enthusiastic about maths.’ Cormac (Y4)
‘Earning Class Dojo points helps me concentrate on my learning. Everyone in the class is more focused because they want to earn points and not lose any.’ Charlie (Y4)
‘Dojo points keep me and the class motivated. Aiming for a special reward keeps me working hard. I want as many points as possible to earn the next personal and class reward. I enjoy looking at my Dojo story and seeing how I have done.’ Caitlyn (Y6)
Exciting Rewards!
Our full behaviour policy can be found on our policy page.