Uniform Information
We are pleased to say that many of our children look very smart in uniform and feel proud of our wonderful schools. We would like to clarify what the uniform expectations are so that all children attend school dressed in the correct uniform and ready to learn. Uniform enables children to visibly share and promote the school’s identity and values, as well as helping to develop a sense of belonging to a social group. (It also makes ‘getting dressed’ in the morning a bit easier!). Our new provider is Earth Uniform, every order is a tree being planted.
Order is easy by visiting www.earthuniform.com, or the QR code below
Earth Uniform
Uniforms are provided by Earth Uniform
Our uniform consists of:
- A red sweatshirt or fleece with school logo
- A red polo shirt with school logo
- Navy trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
- Plain leggings and tights (jeans and patterned legwear are not suitable)
- A red gingham check summer dress
- Appropriate summer and winter hats
- A waterproof, preferably hooded, coat. (A red shower-proof cagoule is available from our uniform supplier)
We hold stocks of polo shirts, sweatshirts, PE shirts, fleeces, book-bags and PE bags form you to buy in school. Navy trousers, skirts and PE shorts may be purchased from various high street stores.
Children need to wear sensible dark coloured shoes to school. Wellie boots are not suitable for all day use, and shoes or boots with high-heels are unsafe. During the summer time children are expected to continue wearing shoes or sensible, low sandals. ‘Jellies’, crocs and flip-flops are not suitable as they are not safe during the active play that we encourage.
Spare Clothes
Your child needs to have a spare set of named clothes in school at all times. This means they can easily change when needed.
- A red t-shirt
- Navy shorts
Children need gym shoes or trainers for outdoor games. Please provide a named P.E. bag so that your child can keep their kit on their peg in the cloakroom.
As with the school uniform, PE items must be labelled with your child’s name.
For safety reasons children are not permitted to wear jewellery in school: earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc.
Children should not bring toys or personal possessions to school, unless invited by the Class Teacher for current topic work or discussion.
Lost Property
Lost uniform, lunchboxes or book bags are most likely to be in your child’s classroom or cloakroom area. Please help us to identify lost property by ensuring your child’s clothes and property are labelled with their name.
The uniform is:
Red polo t-shirt with a school logo or plain red polo shirt without a logo
A navy blue school jumper or cardigan (with or without a school logo) and/or a fleece with logo
Navy blue, black or grey school trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
Leggings may only be worn under a skirt (not on their own)
Tights must be plain black, navy or red
Blue gingham summer dress
Black school shoes or boots
Plain socks
A warm/ waterproof coat for the winter
Long hair tied up
Plain red shorts/ blue or black sports trousers
Navy blue t-shirt with school logo or plain navy t-shirt without a logo
Trainers or daps (children will not be allowed to wear their school shoes for PE)
Children should not attend school in trainers, Ugg boots (or similar), hoodies, or other non-uniform clothes. In addition, they should not wear makeup, nail varnish, jewellery or hair colouring. Please would you make a determined effort to check the children’s clothing and appearance before they come to school. We will be talking to each class so the children will be fully aware of our expectations of them.
We hope the above information makes the uniform rules and expectations clear. Unless there is a medical reason, all children should fulfil this expectation.
‘Being part of the school makes my whole family proud. Wearing my uniform is an important part of this!’
Skye (Year 3)
‘My family are proud of me and by wearing my uniform I am setting a good example’
Onnan (Year 3)
‘When I represent the school I want to prove the school is great and we are responsible. Wearing the school uniform makes me feel proud of the school I am a part of’
Eli (Year 6)