KS1 Maths Evening ppt 2022
At St Saviour’s Infants we want to ensure every child becomes a fluent and confident mathematician who can problem solve, reason and make links in their learning to everyday problems.
Maths is a tool for everyday life. Children need to be independent, confident and enthusiastic Mathematicians who are able to make a positive contribution to their lives and society.
At St Saviour’s Infants we teach the National Curriculum for Mathematics. We follow the WhiteRose guidance supported by materials from Classroom Secrets and our school calculation policy. We use a mastery approach to ensure that learning is deep, embedded, fluent and connected.
All year groups use a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract materials.
In EYFS Maths is taught daily through linked and continuous provision and whole class teaching and teacher led activities.
In Key Stage 1 Maths is taught daily. Four times a week children have a whole class lesson including a warm up, a kick starter and a differentiated fluency, problem solving or reasoning activity using concrete, pictorial or abstract materials. Once a week on a Friday there is a number facts lesson where the children have the chance to learn and rehearse their number facts. Morning Maths activities take place Monday to Thursday during as the children arrive for school. Year 1 children practise and consolidate previous learning and Year 2 children solve various problems requiring them to draw on prior knowledge and skills.
All children have a login for Numbots and this allows them to rehearse and practise their number facts at home and facilitates home/school links.
Assessment -ongoing notes on weekly plans, weekly tick sheets to show progress and each child’s learning journey (KS1), ticks/dots on learning stickers, reflect and grow (KS1). This ongoing formative assessment informs termly teacher assessment which is recorded on Scholar Pack. Discussions then take place at Pupil Progress meetings.
Confident, able and fluent Mathematicians that can make links in their learning, solve problems confidently and reason using a range of mathematical vocab. That enables pupils to succeed in mathematics in KS2, KS3 and into their adult lives.
Our Maths Lead is Claire Whitehouse. Please feel free to see her should you have any questions.