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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Carver : Miss Drake

Welcome to Carver Class' page! 


Here you will find useful information, weekly spellings and photos of us at work!  


Carver Class has PE on a Tuesday. Please can you bring into school a PE kit that can stay in school and is weather suitable. Let us know if you need any help sorting this, we are sure we can help!


Please spend at least ten minutes practising your times tables and weekly spellings.  Get an adult to sign your homework book when you have read aloud or independently. Try to do these activities as often as you can each week, remember the more you practise, the more Dojos you earn!


Find below this Term's spelling lists for both Year 5 and 6!

Year 5 - Tuesday 21st January, 2025 - Homework:

This week you have Maths Practise (Times-table Rockstars) and List 3 Term 3 Spelling lists that are in the Homework Books (spare spelling lists are attached above).

For your times-tables, you need to practise this on Times-table Rockstars when you log in, just select the Garage or Arena sections for the times-table that you are given by your teacher. Alternatively, if you would prefer to practise your tables in your Homework book, this would be fab too.

If you want to extend your Homework, have a go at one (or some) of the challenges on the extension sheet in your homework book.

Homework books will be collected in on: Monday 27th January, 2025.

Year 5 - Tuesday 17th December

Year 5 will not be set any homework over the Winter break. If you would like to continue to practise spellings and TT Rockstars, you can and earn Dojos too!

Please record any reading that you do into your homework book for Dojos too.


See you in the new year!

Year 5 Term 3 Spellings 2025

Year 6 term 3 spellings

Year 5 Term 3 Overview 2025

Carver Class - DT: Designing and making shelters for specific climates

Year 5 - Tuesday 10th December, 2024 - Homework:

This week you have Maths Practise (Times-table Rockstars) and review the Term 2 Spelling lists that is in the Homework Books (spare spelling lists are attached above).

For your times-tables, you need to practise this on Times-table Rockstars when you log in, just select the Garage or Arena sections for the times-table that you are given by your teacher. Alternatively, if you would prefer to practise your tables in your Homework book, this would be fab too.

If you want to extend your Homework, have a go at one (or some) of the challenges on the extension sheet in your homework book.

Homework books will be collected in on: Monday 16th December, 2024.

Year 5 Term 2 Spelling lists 2024

Pompeii Performances

Taking to the Stage

Pompeii rehearsals have started

Year 6 Preparation for their Pompeii presentation

Check out previous Year 5 learning and activities below!

Year 6 Poetry - Mrs. Offler's English class

Year 5 Term 6 Spellings 2024

Term 5 Year 5 Spellings 2024

Homework in Year 5

In Year 5, we normally set Homework on a Tuesday and then collect homework books in on the following Monday. We set a weekly spelling list (this can be found below), a times-table practise, which can be done on TT Rockstars (in the Garage or Arena section) and then reading practise. 

We aim to update the website with our weekly homework, so don't worry if you misplace a sheet that you need. You can find it here!


Don't worry if you feel you can practise any of these better when you say them aloud with a grown up, rather than writing it in your homework book, just get your adult to initial the homework to say that you have still practised it.

Reading Challenge for Year 5 and 6!

Want to try out a reading challenge? 

Find a list of 100 books for Year 5 and 6 to read, on the PDF document above.

How long will it take you to complete the challenge?

You can find most of these books in your class bookshelves and the school library!

Good Luck! smiley
