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St Saviour's Church Schools

Collective Worship

Below is our termly assembly plan. Please keep an eye on the school calendar and newsletters for changes and special celebrations. 

We invite everyone to take part in our daily prayers and understand that whilst some may wish to participate, those who choose not to, can understand and be considerate of others’ beliefs.

Term 5 and 6 Collective Worship Overview 2024

Term 6: Open the Book 

The team from St Saviours joined us to lead a Collective Worship around Pentecost and what arrival of the Holy Spirit meant for Christians. Everyone who wanted to were invited to read a part or take part in sound effects to bring the story to life!

Building on the last Open the Book about the Holy Spirit, our recent Collective Worship was about the characters of Tabitha and Peter from the Bible and 'what would Jesus do?' as an idea.

Term 5 Collective Worship

We were lucky enough again to have the Open the Book team from St Saviours lead Collective Worship with us this week. We heard about the story of Jesus' return to his Disciples after his Cruxifiction. We all got to take part by casting our nets fishing as well as some of us actually being performer in the story!

Easter at St Saviour's Church

St Saviour's Juniors joined together to celebrate Easter with St Saviour's Church. We heard an acrostic poem Year 5 had designed, we shared a blessing that children across the whole school wrote and sang some of our favourite Easter songs!

Have a look at the photos!

Term 3 Collective Worship 2024


Ava and Dottie led a Collective Worship today about Cyber-bullying. They chose this topic from the Termly plan of activities and organised a PowerPoint with music, questions, helpful hints and videos for St Saviour's to enjoy! Here they are in action...

Term 3 and 4 Collective Worship Overview 2024

Term 2 Collective Worship 2023

This term, Year 6's planned a collective worship about being unique. Not just looking at what we look like but our personalities and likes and dislikes. They wanted to link their assembly to our Circle Time this term of Celebrating Differences. Here they are in action!

Term 1 Collective Worship

A group of Year 5's chose to lead their Collective Worship on Harvest this term. They shared why they thought it is was important, why the school celebrates Harvest and even included a game of guess the food (they had used microscopic images of the foods)! 

Here they are in action smiley

Term 1 and 2 Collective Worship 2023

Term 6 Collective Worship


Year 5 led an Assembly all about feelings around Transition and 'Top Tips and advice they would give to help others feel ok.

Have a look at their slides and them in action!

Term 5 and 6 Collective Worship themes and prayers, 2023

Term 5 Collective Worship

The theme for this term is our Value Empathy. Year 4's chose to lead a collective worship using this value and inspire others to visit museums by sharing some of their favourites!

Dottie and Freya chose to do their Assembly around International Museum Day, as well as finding out museums that children in school had visited and inspiring others to visit them too!

Term 3 Collective Worship


Many of our Collective Worships this term focus around our school value of Aspiration. A group of Year 5's planned and led an assembly linked to Aspiration, focusing on Motivation and how to be motivated. Have a look at their thoughts!

Terms 3 and 4 Collective Worship plan and prayers 2023

Term 2 Collective Worship

Collective Worships this term have included a number planned by children around Advent. A group of Year 6 children explained to school how different countries celebrated Advent. They covered 12 different countries! Lacey said she enjoyed leading this assembly because she also learnt something new!

She said " I didn't know that in Germany on the 5th December, St Nicholas puts sweets out for children!".


A group of Year 4's used the Year 6's ideas and created an assembly about 6 countries they were interested in and shared. You can read through their Assembly below.


Monday 17th Collective Worship - Ask us what we did!

During our Assembly time on Monday, we explored why we have Collective Worship.


The Junior children came up with some lovely ideas, comments and opinions. Some of them are below:

- to discuss ideas

- to share thoughts about the values

- to praise God

- to celebrate important festivals

- to see what other year groups have been up to in the week

- to celebrate other people's achievements


We also discussed how we structure our assemblies - the sections of our assemblies are based around 4 images. 

Candle Question: That invites us to consider what the assembly will be about.

               Window: Where we explore what others do linked to the assembly theme.

    Mirror Moment: Where we quietly think about what we have understood from the assembly and what it might mean to                                     us. We sometimes share this as well.

                    Door: We finish our assembly and invite everyone to take part in our prayer or respectfully sit quietly and then                                 a final question that we can take away from the assembly to think about.


Ask us about our assemblies, or the new song we're learning as well as what we have been exploring this week!

Term 1 Collective Worship

A group of Year 5 led a Collective Worship they designed this term about E-Safety and tips they felt they would share to encourage children to be safe using the internet. They designed 9 tips in total and asked everyone to quietly think about how children feel they can stay safe and which tips might be most useful. The Year 5's did a fantastic job and were happy to answer questions children also had!

Term 1 and 2 Collective Worship plan and prayers

St Saviour's Church also come into school to lead Collective Worship each term as well and we have been able to visit St Saviour's Church to celebrate Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the End of the Year this year which has been wonderful to visit again after the Lock Downs! We also helped decorate the Church for their Jubilee Celebrations and have taken part in visits as year-groups as part of our RE learning.

This year, children have also been volunteering to lead Assemblies based around the school themes and Assembly topics. Below are some of these Assemblies.

Term 4 Collective Worship, 2022


With St Patrick's Day around the corner, a group of Year 4's decided to plan a Collective Worship to explain what St Patrick's Day is and why people celebrate it. The group of Year 4's planned what they wanted to share and then researched the information they each needed. They created a colourful presentation and confidently shared their Assembly with the School.

They were also surprised to find out that St Patrick is also a Patron Saint of Nigeria as well!

Term 3 Collective Worship 2022


A group of Year 5's planned an assembly around supporting others, which they shared in a Year 5 and 6 Collective Worship. They designed top tips to advise everyone. Their ideas included speaking to play leaders, 3 B4 Me in their learning, how to help if someone is hurt, using the Friendship Stops and feeling confident with making decisions on who and how to play. 

Their assembly also included a game, to get children involved in the Assembly, by working together and remembering what others had said!

Term 2 Collective Worship 2021

A group of Year 6's chose to lead an assembly about differences. They chose to explore famous people that they knew who had experienced difficulties because of who they were and how they overcame them. With Year 5 and 6, they spoke about Ed Sheeran, Rosa Parks and Nina Simone.

They lead a game that encouraged everyone to share their differences and asked children to think about what made each of us different and how we could use these differences for positive things.

Collective Worship Term 5 and 6, 2022
