Late/Absence Procedures
We are here to help.
We are keen to work in partnership with parent, carers and families. Please make contact if you are experiencing problems getting to school on time. We can offer advice and support.
Our St Saviour's Schools attendance target this year is
Attendance / In-term Holidays
We strive to meet the national attendance targets and so we have a pro-active approach to absences. Parents must ring on the first day of the child’s absence.
If you need to take your child out of school during term time, you should fill in a Planned Absence Request form available from the office. The absence will be only be authorised if it is in 'exceptional circumstances' and if the child’s attendance is good.
If your child is ill please let the relevant school office know using our contact information.
Quick reference information on timings from our attendance policy:
Infant School information on timings:
Our pupils must arrive by 9:00am on each school day.
Our morning register is taken at 9:00am and will be kept open until 9:15am
Our afternoon register is taken at between 1pm and 1:10pm and will be kept open until 1:20pm
A pupil who arrives late but before the register has closed will be marked as late (L) – which counts as present.
A pupil who arrives late after the registers close will be marked as absent. If the pupil is late arriving due to a valid reason such as an unavoidable medical appointment, the absence will be authorised. If the pupil is late for no good reason, they will be marked with the unauthorised absence code ‘Late after registers close’ (U).
Junior School information on timings:
Our pupils must arrive by 8:55am on each school day.
Our morning register is taken at 8:55am am and will be kept open until 9:15am
Our afternoon register is taken at 1:30pm and will be kept open until 1:40pm
A pupil who arrives late but before the register has closed will be marked as late (L) – which counts as present.
A pupil who arrives late after the registers close will be marked as absent. If the pupil is late arriving due to a valid reason such as an unavoidable medical appointment, the absence will be authorised. If the pupil is late for no good reason, they will be marked with the unauthorised absence code ‘Late after registers close’ (U).
Key documents and links
Why is Punctuality Important?
Being on time:
- gets your day off to a good start and puts you in a positive frame of mind, so that you can make the most of your learning opportunities.
- sets positive patterns for the future. You can't expect to keep a job if you're always coming in late
- leads to better achievement
- leads to understanding that school is important and education is valuable
- helps you develop a sense of responsibility for yourself and towards others and is a sign of good character;
- is respectful to your teacher and to your classmates and builds good habits for later
- is very important indeed. Research shows that attendance and punctuality are the single most important factors in school success
What happens if a student is late?
1. The child must report to the school office and is signed in as ‘late’.
2. This record is transferred to the child’s personal record.
3. This record is monitored by the school and parents or carers are contacted if there is regular lateness.
4. The school may request advice from the Children Missing Education Service (CMES) and continuous lateness may be considered in line with the schools safeguarding procedures.