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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education

At St Saviour’s Nursery and Infants School we want our pupils to be successful, confident learners and responsible citizens. We recognise the importance of both the academic and personal development and well being of every child in our school. This includes recognising the importance of their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Spiritual Development: Explores beliefs and experiences, respects faiths, feelings and values, and enjoys learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; using their imagination, creativity and powers of reflection.


Moral Development: Recognises right and wrong; is respectful of the law and understands the idea of consequences.


Social Development: Uses a range of social skills; participates in the local community; appreciates diverse view points; participates in conflict resolution. The DfE has reinforced the need for all schools to engage with the British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Liberty and Respect.


Cultural Development: Appreciates cultural influences and participates in cultural opportunities; understands and respectfully accepts and celebrates diversity.


Learning to Learn Skills.

Alongside our 'Basic Skills' curriculum for English and Maths we support and develop other key learning through our five Learning to Learn skills which have been carefully chosen to encompass all aspects of learning. At St Saviour’s school you will often hear children referring to themselves or each other as an Active Learners, Creative Thinkers, Self-Managers, Team-Workers and Reflective Thinkers.


We are currently working towards the UNICEF Rights Respecting Award.

A UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted. Children and young people and the local school community learn about children’s rights by putting them into everyday practise.


The School Council:

Each class elects a Councillor to represent them on the School Council. The Councillor meaningfully participates in the life of our school and has regular opportunities to express their views and those they represent, influencing change.


(see also our ‘British Values’ program)
