Welcome to the Infant school!
We are situated in a lovely valley on the outskirts of the city of Bath. We are dedicated to the education of our 200 enthusiastic and brilliant children, all aged between 2 and 7 years old. We are members of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust, along with ten other local schools.
As a Church School, we have links with St Saviour's Church, Larkhall: https://www.stsaviours.org.uk/
I hope you enjoy finding out about us. If you have any questions about our school please contact the school office 01225 310137 infantenquiries@stsaviours.bwmat.org
All the information on the site is available on request as paper copies at no charge.
Many thanks,
Mrs Sophie Hunt
Head of School
Paper copies of the information on this website is available, free of charge, on request.