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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools


Moving from the Infants to the Junior School


How do we collaborate with the Infant School?
Both St Saviour’s Infant and Junior schools strongly believe in the benefits of both schools working closely together. This is essential in ensuring strong links between our schools and a smooth progression for classes moving from the Infant to the Junior School. Some of the collaborative links that we have include:

  • Buddies: four times a year, the children in Key Stages 1 and 2 meet together and work on shared projects.
  • Once a year, pupils participate in a Collaborative Week. They produce a variety of art work linked to a themed topic and parents are invited to view the work which is presented in a gallery event.
  • Pupils are invited to watch performances from the other school.
  • Staff have professional development opportunities to work on shared educational approaches.
  • We work closely together to support families with children in both schools.
  • We are both members of the Valley Schools Partnership, helping to increase links with other local schools and the community


New Parents Evening will take place at the beginning of July; letters will be sent to parents in due course. 


The school website contains lots of important information including the structure of the school day, school uniform and extra curricular activities.

Movng from KS2 to secondary school