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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Policies and Documents

Welcome to our school policy page.  St Saviour’s has a number of statutory and voluntary policies on elements of school life.  We are required to post the following policies on our webpage, but please contact the school if you would like to see any others. We are also inviting members of the school community to comment on draft policies before they are formally ratified. Please make any comments via the 'Contact Us' form on this website or by dropping a note into school. We value your input and look forward to your feedback.

Please click the link below for a list of statutory BWMAT policies. 

Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust - Policies (

(e.g. Attendance, Charging & Remissions, Complaints)

Infant School Behaviour information can be found on the link below (the policy is on this page in the Joint Policies section above)

Infant School SEND information and policies - click below

Junior School Behaviour can be found on the link below (the policy is on this page in the Joint Policies section above)

Junior School SEND information and policies - click below

Bath and Wells Trust Privacy Notice
