Family Thrive
Last night Mrs Simmons ran the final session of the Family Thrive course for this year. Supported by Sophie and Sara, Mrs Simmons has been talking with participants about child development and brain development, sharing activities and techniques to support children manage big feelings and practicing using the Thrive approach. It has been lovely to share this Thrive journey with our participants, and great to hear some of the positive feedback from families who attend the course. Thank you to all of the participants, and congratulations on receiving your Family Thrive certificates last night.
"A really useful and inspiring course led brilliantly by Jenni. The techniques shared have been/ will be great to apply to help at home. The explanation of how our brain develops was very informative and helped in my understanding of how best to help my son."
"Thank you so much it's been brilliant - vital really. It has helped me to separate my child from their behaviour, something which I was finding difficult before, and has helped me to match my child where they are at. The behaviour detective sheet is a really positive way of reflecting as it can be easy for adult's feelings to spiral. The course has helped me notice things about my child and make adaptations to their routine which have been really helpful. The knowledge is there - now I need to make my own right choices in the moment 🙂"