Junior Weekly Roundup
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly Round up - Junior School
And just like that, December is here! We’re starting to get excited for Christmas – the nativity backdrop went up in the hall this morning and we’re started rehearsing our songs ready for singing in Church on 12th December. With the Christmas Fair this weekend (Saturday 3rd December) it certainly feeling very festive. Thank you to the PTA for all of their hard work in organising this. An additional thank you to the PTA for funding our legend event next week. We are looking forward to visitors bringing in some tiny animals: rabbits, mice, snakes, lizards and even a tarantula! All of the Infant and Junior children will get to see the animals, and the legends will spend more time with them in the afternoon (and may even get a cuddle with one or two of the animals)
***A FREE special event at the Holburne Museum this weekend for partner schools***
We have been lucky enough to have been offered a free craft event for families to attend this weekend if you would like to. See below for information shared from the Holburne Museum.
Make your own Sugar Plum Fairy or Mouse King Decoration- FREE Family Drop-in
Celebrate the Christmas season with a FREE, fun, creative family afternoon with the Holburne Learning team. Enjoy making your own Sugar Plum Fairy or Mouse King Christmas decoration! Expect a relaxed festive atmosphere and beautiful materials.
Drop-in on the day, no need to book – special event just for Partner School pupils!
When? Saturday 3rd December, 2-4pm
Where? The Holburne Museum, BA2 4DB. In the Clore Learning room (ground floor of museum). Suitable for children aged 5+, children must be
accompanied by an adult at all times.
Learning this week:
Year 5 have been learning about phases of the moon. Click here for pictures.
For pictures of the Dance performance Year 6 attended last week, click here
Dates for your diary:
Saturday 3rd December Christmas Fair, St Saviour’s Infant School: 12 – 3PM
Tuesday 6th December: Junior Nativity: 11.15 am, Junior School Hall (Years 3 and 4 are taking part in this)
Wednesday 7th December: Junior Nativity: 2pm, Junior School Hall (Years 3 and 4 are taking part in this)
Thursday 8th Junior Dojo Legend Event – all children will meet some exciting critters and legends will get chance to see them up close and event hold them
Monday 12th – KS1 and 2 singing at the Church
Please click here for message from one of our Governors
Wednesday 14th Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner Day
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons