Message from our Governors
End of Year Message from St Saviour’s Schools LGC
As the schools Local Governing Committee we support and challenge the schools leadership team to ensure that St Saviour's provides the best school experience for all our pupils.
At the end of June we held our annual School Development Plan workshop. This was a chance for governors to spend the morning in school hearing about how the school has delivered its development priorities this year and look ahead to agree priorities for next year. You can find the school’s development plan here if you would like to find out more
The morning also gave us the opportunity to undertake a learning walk to see pupils in class, observe learning behaviours and see how the learning environment helps pupils enjoy lessons. These walks are an important part of how we ensure that the plans and activities we discuss in governing committee meetings are having an impact in practice.
The end of the year brings changes in our governing committee membership.
Danielle Ross is standing down at the end of her term as co-chair. Her energy and enthusiasm in the role has known no bounds - from meeting OFSTED inspectors to coordinating the spring clean at the Junior School. Fortunately she will remain as part of our governing committee in other roles next year. Thank you Danielle!!
Andy Dillow will be replacing Danielle as Co-Chair. Andy is one of our foundation governors and a member of our Ethos and Resources committees. You can find out more about what motivated Andy, and all our governors to volunteer to support the school here
We also say good bye to two of our longest standing governors, Emma Nix and Hannah Holman, who have stepped down this year.
Emma has chaired our Ethos committee and been key in ensuring we capture pupils voice in our work as an LGC.
Hannah has chaired our Resources committee and been our Health &Safety link governor bringing rigour and attention to detail to this important area our the LGC’s role.
A huge thank you to both of them for their time and commitment over the years!
New beginnings
The end of the school year is all about transitions and we wish all our Year 6 pupils the best for their next step as they join secondary school. Just as our Year 6’s have been preparing to move on our Reception teachers have been welcoming next years reception pupils into school for settling in sessions.
A big thank you to our Reception and Year 6 teachers for preparing the pupils for their new adventures in September.
Wishing everyone a fun and relaxing summer holidays.
Amy McNaughton and Danielle Ross
Co-Chairs of St Saviour’s Schools LGC