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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

The next phase

Dear Parents and Carers,


The next phase


As I am sure you are aware the government have announced that their ambition to get all primary aged children back to school before the end of this academic year has been dropped. It has also been announced that the Government are working towards all primary children being back in school in September and a ‘summer catch up programme’. The only information provided to schools on this topic is that which was presented during the Prime Minister’s press briefing. No further details or guidance has yet been issued to schools. We are awaiting clarification and guidance on this. 


Many hours of work have been put into ‘phase 1’ of increasing school numbers. We have carefully risk assessed the situation, analysed the Government guidance and consulted with stakeholders in order to bring back children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. The Government guidance has not changed and the school’s risk assessment must stay in place.


We are now working with the Trust and other local schools to formulate a plan in light of these new announcements and what can be achieved in the short term and what could be put in place in the longer term. Safety will always be paramount and all decisions will be taken in light of the current guidance and with advice from professionals.


I understand that this is a difficult time for families and children and we will endeavour to keep you up to date on our planning and thinking as we progress. However, this is a very fluid situation that requires careful consideration and difficult decisions will need to be made.


I will write to you at the beginning of next week with details of our plans at this point.


We appreciate your support and understanding as we progress through these challenges and make the best decisions we can for our children and the community.


I hope you have a relaxing weekend.


Best wishes,   


Mr Joe Beament

Executive Headteacher

St Saviour’s Infant Church School and St Saviour’s Junior Church School
