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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly roundup Infants

 Dear Parents and Carers,


Weekly roundup – Infants 


Green week 


We’ve had a great week enjoying the milder weather. The children are continuing to plant seeds ready for our seedling swap during Green Week. We have had to change the date of Green Day. All children are invited to wear anything green or clothes with green on them for a non school uniform day on Friday 26thMay. The teachers will plan activities that help us to learn about caring for our environment. The seedling swap will be set up after school on Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25thand Friday 26th.  Click here for Japan class planting. 


A huge thank you to Zorn class who during their Forest School time helped to spread the wood bark around the pathways in Pauls Garden. They did a fantastic job and its meant that we can now explore the garden without causing distress to the ground. Click here for photos 


Reception assembly 


On Friday 26thMay, Reception will be sharing their class assembly starting at 9:10. There will be no celebration assembly that week, but all Reception parents and carers are welcome. 


Kings Coronation 


The children have been finding out about Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation 70 years ago and talking about their plans for the King’s Coronation tomorrow. Thank you for all the portraits that have started coming in. We will make a great display and pictures will be in next weeks weekly roundup. The children have also enjoyed making their own Coronation cupcakes. 


Click here for Coronation cupcakes. 


More news this week. 


Dragon pictures here


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.

For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.


Please remember, Monday 8thMay is a Bank Holiday. We hope you enjoy a long weekend! 


Best wishes,


