Weekly roundup – Infants
This week for the weekly roundup I’ve gathered the children’s and some teachers favourite and best things this week.
Here they all are!
Vivi – ‘I’ve liked drawing and colouring.’
Barney - ‘I liked climbing on the nursery climbing apparatus.’
Evie, Emmie and Ivy ‘We are the queens, and this is where we sleep.’ (Sat on top of a tower on the nursery decking.)
Archie and Grayson – ‘The best things are swinging on the nets on our decking.’
Orlaith, Anna H and Iris – ‘ We loved the foot spa outside our classroom where we sat with water, bubbles and magazines!’
‘Wordsearches are the best!’ says Thomas A, Luca, George and Michal. ‘We’ve just done a science one.’
Joanna’s highlight was watching the children on the bouncy castle and watching the year 6 play and Charlie R and Leo agreed. ‘We loved the play. We liked the songs they were quick and funny.’
Eva T says that Maths and helping people has been her best part of the week. Edward and Lucas D agree that Maths is great. ‘We love solving all the problems.’
Otis has enjoyed our Year 10 work experience guests coming in. ‘I liked playing with Issy.’
Frank has loved making leaflets in Geography and Kamala said, ‘I’ve loved the children creating their self portraits inspired by Freida Kahlo.’
Natalie said, ‘I have enjoyed our final PE session where the children chose everything. We had the blue bars and all our favourite sticky kids’ songs.
Zaedyn said, ‘I’ve loved playing in the house.’
Louise said that she enjoyed making a shop in the reception garden, lots of water play and meeting the new reception children again.
In a nutshell it’s been another wonderful week.
Click here for the Year 6 play and here for Bouncy castle fun.
We hope you manage to stay cool this weekend and we look forward to next week with our Year 2 Talent show (not for Parents and Carers) and Year 2 leavers assembly 9:30 Tuesday.
Best wishes