Weekly Roundup – Junior School
Year 6:
This week has been another busy week at the Junior school. Huge congratulations to our Year 6’s who have worked so hard this week on their SATs. We are very proud of their hard work and resilience, and know they enjoyed a day of celebrations today as a reward (special thanks to Mrs Offler and Miss Noad for organising). Click here to see pictures of this great day 😊 It’s not just been SATs this week for Year 6, and they shared some great Science work in Praise assembly today. Click here to see this.
Year 3:
Year 3 have been working hard to create beautiful tomb paintings. Click here to see these. Also, we we have been very impressed with the creative things that the Year 3’s have been sharing with us in Praise Assembly, based on their own interests. Freya treated us to some wonderful gymnastics recently, and Daisy and Ava shared a recital of Edward Lear’s, ‘The Owl and the Pussy Cat’ today. Click here for pictures of the poetry (the gym was just too fast for us to capture! Sorry Freya).
Year 4:
Year 4 have been busy working on their painting skills, and enjoying ‘Walk Through the Bible’ sessions run by Edward Leigh-Woods – thank you Edward 😊 Click here to see pictures of these activities.
Family Thrive:
Both the Infant and Junior schools are Thrive settings, and next term, I will be running a free 6 week Family Thrive course for Parents and Carers. For more information, click here. I would love to see you there – thank you to everyone who has signed up so far.
Schools of Sanctuary:
St Saviour's are proud to announce that they have signed the pledge to become a supporting organisation for the charity 'City of Sanctuary'.
This means that we support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. In the future, we will look to achieve the 'Schools of Sanctuary Award', as we are just at the beginning of our journey working alongside this organisation.
To recognise and promote our commitment to project we will be displaying the logo on our website banner.
More information on the work of this charity can be found here: https://schools.cityofsanctuary.org/
Finally, a reminder – please can you ensure your lovely doggy friends remain outside the school gates at drop off and pick up. Thank you for your understanding.
Also this week:
- For pictures of Infant and Junior play, click here
- For pictures of Larkhall Junior Bake off Champions, click here
- As part of our development plans this year, we have been focusing on supporting our dyslexic learners more effectively. Please click here to find out more, and click here to find out about a free conference for parents on dyslexia run by Somerset.
- Click here to find out more about the article in the Bath and Wiltshire Parent about the talk Y6 had from Don Macpherson
Have a great weekend,
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons