Weekly Roundup – Junior School
This week we have been thinking about setting goals, working towards them and being inspired by others to set ambitious goals. In assembly on Monday, we learnt about an inspirational explorer who has inspired others to carry out their own explorations. We really thought carefully about the idea shared that pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone helps to build resilience, and will continue to think about this when approaching our own goals. For more information, click here.
Also this week, Mr Beament has been speaking with children in school who have been benefitting from in class strategies to support dyslexic learners. They said some lovely things – here are a few quotes (it was hard to choose just a few, as they were all really great to hear).
‘The maths resources in the classroom are really useful and help me to solve problems’
‘My friends always help me and I help my friends. I am happy to ask for help and be honest when I can’t do something’
‘School is fun and I have some special resources that help me’
‘Nessy is useful and helps me understand spelling, punctuation and what different words mean’
‘I always get enough thinking time to give questions and challenges a go. I completed an activity quickly this week. Miss Drake knows me really well’
‘School is going really well. I get the help I need. Miss Noad knows what I need and when I need help. She knows me really well and has resources ready for me to use if I need them’
‘Resources and strategies, like 2B4Me, help me in all my subjects and lessons’
‘All the children and adults know about dyslexia. I’m proud to be me and happy to share what it’s like to be dyslexic with the teachers and children at school’
Our Governors have also been in school this week, listening to children and finding out their thoughts and opinions about daily life in school. The children were excited to speak with our visitors, and Dottie and Lenny said they would share, “This is a really nice school” as we were walking to meet them.
Finally we would like to wish the children who are currently learning at home well, and to let them know that we can’t wait to be welcoming them back soon.
Also this week:
Click here for a message from our Governors
Click here to see pictures of Flora the reading dog
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
Best wishes,
Mrs Simmons