A message from our Governor Lucy Powell
Governors Newsletter
9 February 2024
Happy Half Term to all 😊
For this newsletter we wanted to share some of the great wellbeing experiences the children and teachers have had this past week, as we explored ways to support positive mental health. Reception were read the Colour Monster by some of the Governors and reception parents whilst Year 1 and 2 did a rotation between sports activities and an arts afternoon. There was a mixture of tag rugby, hockey, gym in the hall, yoga and tennis. These sessions were all led by parents and external sports providers, supported by school staff and thank you so much to everyone for your time! We made sure we considered how to look after our bodies, warming up our muscles and cardio-vascular system, working as a team and developing our co-ordination skills. It was great to see everyone having a go! The Infants also had a visit from a dietitian to think and learn about how to fuel our bodies and understand how the body works to keep it healthy. They learnt some great breathing methods and how to keep our tummies happy.
The Juniors were inspired this week by some parents who came into talk about wellness and their jobs. Year 3/4 had a visit from an Osteopath, Physiotherapist and Nutritionist. They learnt about their joints, muscles and bones and how to look after them through exercise and good food. They were introduced to belly breathing and discussed the importance of a balanced diet. Years 5/6 got a wonderfully interactive lesson learning about sensory processing and what they can do to help regulate their systems if they feel overwhelmed. They learnt about the 3 lesser known senses - the vestibular, proprioceptive and interoceptive systems and some yoga moves.
Well done and thank you to Sara Hibbs on pulling together a great week.
As you may be aware, both schools currently hold the platinum award for OPAL and the Juniors school are looking to go for re-accreditation this year. This includes continuing our subscription to Scrapstore, which gives the children access to new equipment throughout the year for playtime.
As Governors, we have been working alongside the school to ensure there are extra curriculum opportunities for sport through afterschool clubs, and access to specialists coaches. Superpirates provide an enthusiastic and active afterschool provision and also support lunch time play at the Infants. I joined the Governors team in September last year. I have taken on a Foundation role which links me with the church, and my role has been focused on Personal and OPAL (outdoor play and learning). This includes PSHE, PE and outdoor learning which are areas I am really passionate about.
It is always good to get your feedback and It would be great to hear your views around sports provision at St Saviours. Please look out for the parents and carers voice questionnaire coming soon.
Lucy Powell