A message from our Governors
It has been a busy first term in both our schools!
We have had SIAMS inspections at both the infants and juniors schools this term.
As a Church of England school embedding a Christian ethos within the vision and values of the school is an important part of building a school environment where every child values their voice.
Our Standards committee met and discussed elements of the schools development plans for the year. They also undertook a learning walk to see how pupils are settling into their new classes.
New faces
Our reception team have welcomed our new pupils at the infants and it has been lovely to see how well they have all settled in to school life.
In the juniors the new year 3’s have joined their year 4 classmates in Sirry, Turner and Leski classes. The year 4s have done a great job showing their new classmates the ropes as they get used to a new site.
We also have new faces on our governing team.
Mark Evitts has joined as our new chair of Resources Committee and Health & Safety link governor and Lucy Powell has joined as chair of Ethos and link governor for OPAL.
We also have a new Co-Chair of Governors, Andy Dillow. Andy was already an active member of our governing committee and brings a wealth of experience to support the continued development of our schools as places where all pupils can thrive.
Find out more and get involved
If you would like to find out more about any of our governors and the work we do please take a look at our pages on the school website https://www.stsavioursbath.co.uk/governors/
We have 2 vacancies on our Local Governing Committee - one for an infant parent governor and one for a foundation governor. If you would be interested in finding out more about these opportunities please get in touch with Amy.McNaughton@stsaviours.bwmat.org and Andy.Dillow@stsaviours.bwmat.org