This week, the Junior School are continuing to focus on the termly theme of Aspiration in assembly.
During our online assembly this morning, Hannah in Year 5 told us that aspiration can be when you are working towards a goal that you have been inspired to achieve by someone else. We shared ideas about who inspires us.
Eilidh said, "We have been learning about newspapers in Year 4, and I was inspired by a girl who climbed 50 mountains in 24 hours."
Joe in Year 5 said, "I have been inspired to get into football by Cristinao Ronaldo. When things go wrong for him, he keeps going, and this has inspired me to have a go at football."
Ursula in Year 3 said, "My Granny is an author and she inspires me to write."
We thought about David Attenborough, and how he inspires people to take care of the planet (and has done for many years). We then looked at the book, "Greta and the Giants", which is inspired by Greta Thunberg's stand to save the world. We learnt about how she, as one person, inspired lots of people to respectfully explain how they feel changes need to be made to protect the planet through peaceful protest, and is making her views heard across the world.