Back to school - important updates
Welcome Back!
We hope you have had a wonderful and relaxing summer break. We are delighted to welcome the children back to school on Monday 6th September ready for a fun filled and busy Term 1.
Below are a few key messages for parents regarding our updated COVID-19 risk assessment and ‘outbreak management plan’.
COVID Risk Assessment
The link to our updated risk assessment and ‘outbreak management plan’ can be found at the top of this page.
This is a significantly reduced risk assessment from previous versions but still includes important information that families need to be aware of. Please take some time to read this.
You can also read the DfE blog – ‘Back to school – what you need to know’.
Start and end of the day
We will no longer stagger the start or end of the school day and multiple entrance points will no longer be required. However, some of our COVID drop off and pick up locations are ‘COVID keepers’ as they have worked really well this year.
Information about where to drop off and pick up your child/children was sent out at the end of last term and can be found here.
Some key information for Monday
Here are some of the key messages from our risk assessment you need to be aware of for Monday:
Masks around school
Masks will no longer be required for parents around school. However, we will support adults who wish to wear a mask in these areas.
Drop off
Parents and carers will continue to be asked to drop their children at the doors and not enter the building to hang up coats etc.
PE kits/ bags and water bottles
These can be brought into school from the first day of term, so they are ready to be used.
We are looking forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Monday.