Birthday Parties - St Saviour’s are ready to party!
COVID has ended a lot of children’s hopes of a cool superhero party, tea party or football party this year. We are in a privileged position to be set up in a way that allows us to have groups of children in a safe environment ready to party!
Starting on Friday 4th December and every term for as long as COVID restrictions are in place we will be having a birthday party in every class with music and party games as we celebrate every child that has had a Birthday that term.
Each class will have a small budget to plan these parties and this has kindly been supported by the school’s PTAs.
To make this possible the following will be in place:
- Parties will last 1 hour and take place on the afternoon of each party day
- If children want to, they can come in non-uniform for all party days (please don’t bring a change of clothes)
- No games, items, birthday cards or presents from home to be brought in – we have everything we need in school
The party dates are as follows:
Friday 4th December – a party for every child that has missed their birthday party in the year 2019/20 so far or has a birthday in December
Friday 12th February – a party for every child that had a birthday in January or February
Friday 26th March - a party for every child that had a birthday in March or due a birthday in the first two weeks of April
Friday 28th May - a party for every child that had a birthday during the last two weeks of April and the whole of May
Friday 16th July - a party for every child that had a birthday in June or July or will have a birthday over the Summer.
We can’t wait to celebrate birthdays with the children this year – it’s party time! 😊