Book exchange - Friday 22nd May
On Friday 22nd May we will be setting up a ‘book exchange’ in the Infant School car park.
This will be an opportunity for you to drop off reading books you have finished, and to collect up to 2 new reading books to take home. This of course is weather permitting and if the forecast is for rain we will have to postpone.
The timings will be as follows:
9am – 12am – EYFS and Key Stage 1 children
1pm – 3pm – Key Stage 2 children
The car park will be clearly signed posted and there will be a table set up for each year group. If you arrive at a busy time, please remain off the school site until there is space for you to safety approach the table. At each table you will find a ‘book drop’ for old books and some hand gel that must be used before selecting a new book to take home.
We will also put out a table of stationery for you to take, if you need some. Please only take a small amount and only do so after applying hand gel.
When collecting new books please ensure you follow social distancing rules.