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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Building update – outdoor spaces.

An astonishing transformation has taken place behind the scenes in recent weeks as the layout of the playgrounds has emerged. But there is more to come! A little later there will be seeding and planting of shrubs and trees but first, play equipment and markings.
Earlier this year both the Junior and the Infant Schools secured £30,000 each from Sport England to improve their sports facilities, on both sites, through its Primary Spaces Programme. The Infant school has now completed its installation with a brand new sport court and some painted surfaces in the playground. The Junior school is due to start its own installation in the coming weeks which will include a large sports court at the top end of the school site, to include goals, basketball nets and a net cord, all in an enclosed court with colourful painted surface. Although not shown, the far side of the court will be 2.4m in height to help avoid balls going into the neighbours gardens.
In addition, we shall also be improving facilities in the lower part of the site with goals and basketball nets behind the Victorian Building and a small climbing wall and safety surface. In addition, 2 outdoor table tennis tables will be purchased and some outdoor equipment storage. The rationale for this work is to try and help create improved spaces particularly for ball sports which would in turn ensure other informal spaces get freed up for those children who wish to have more general play space.
Our thanks go out to Sport England for their financial support, Playforce who we have worked with on the installation and Mealings, for their cooperation in preparing the site.
We also wish to give a huge thank you to the PTA who are providing around £4000 to help make the new facilities happen. The PTA raises a lot of money to help the school deliver an excellent environment for the school and are also supporting the purchase of additional IT equipment for the children. If you can spare any time (lots or just a little) to help the PTA with their great work please contact Dionne or Dani for more information ( or
