Drop off and pick up
It is wonderful to see our families back at school and the children in their classrooms. Thank you to all our families for adapting and supporting our new drop off and pick up arrangements.
I had a meeting with our councillors last week, about the support they could offer with traffic and movement around the outside of school during our busiest times, and we are hoping to implement some small changes as well as support some longer-term developments. Part of this process is the implementation of a policy call ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods’ that is currently out for public consultation. Please visit this link to find out more and to contribute to the consultation.
As we continue to review our arrangements, can we remind families of the following points from our planning and national COVID19 guidance:
- Please observe social distancing where possible! We understand that some entrances, and pavements are narrow and therefore families will need to take their time, give way to each other and be careful when walking through these areas.
- Use space! When on school site please use all the available space on the playground and in the car parks to ensure families can wait at least two metres apart. Please enter the school sites and move away from entrances into the available space rather than gathering near a school site entrance, classroom or school door.
- Face masks! With the increased national COVID19 transmission and the new national measures in place, we would like to encourage parents and adults who feel they can’t achieve social distancing around and on school site to wear a face mask.
- Driving! Please avoid driving children to school. If you have to drive, please park away from school and walk the final distance. Families ARE NOT permitted to use the school car parks to either park in or use as turning points.
- One adult! Where possible can parents and carers please pick up individually, rather than as a family this will help reduce the number of adults around the school grounds.
We will continue to keep all these arrangements under review and make appropriate changes as required.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.