Dyslexia Awareness Week
Today, Mr Beament and Sara Hibbs ran two assemblies on Dyslexia where the children discussed what dyslexia is and what difficulties it can create for children’s learning. We also looked at the awesome superpowers that dyslexic learners have and the huge success stories from famous dyslexic learners.
Mr Beament explained how teachers and staff have been reading, researching and learning about dyslexia and then reflecting on classroom practise. We will now look at making small but important changes that will support dyslexic learners and every other child in the school.
Mr Beament also took some time to share the difficulties and superpowers he has experienced at school and today as a dyslexia learner himself.
Over the coming months we will share more information with the children and families as we continue to develop and become more and more ‘dyslexic friendly’ – watch this space!
The photos below include some dyslexic friendly Junior School books that were bought by the PTA. They are printed on yellow paper and have a special code. For example, ‘RA7IA7-12’ which means ‘Reading Age 7, Interest Age 7-12’ allowing dyslexic reader the chance to read more interesting books for their age at their reading age level.
Watch the video from our assmblies: click here