Easter Update
Dear Parents and Carers,
Microsoft Teams over the Easter Holiday
We will be muting all ‘Year Group Teams’ over the two-week Easter holiday and children will not be able to write comments on these groups during this time. We will keep the three whole school groups going over the holiday, so children can keep engaging and sharing their progress with ‘Gardening and Planting’ and the ‘Egg Box Challenge’. Children will also still be able to engage with and discuss Harry Potter in the group ‘Mrs Eve reads Harry Potter’.
Free School Meals (FSM) over the Easter Holiday
We have put in place arrangements to continue free school meals, over the Easter Holiday (excluding Good Friday and Bank Holiday Monday). A packed lunch ‘take away’ can be collected from the Infant School between 12 noon and 1pm. This is for all families with children that are entitled to FSM from the Infant and Junior Schools. These packed lunch ‘take aways’ will also continue after the Easter Holidays.
The Government has stated that ‘During these challenging times, we want to ensure that pupils eligible for free school meals can continue to access support if they are not in school. In the first instance, we are encouraging schools to provide meals or food parcels through their current food provider’
Working with the Bath and Wells Trust and our catering provider (Edwards and Ward) we have managed to keep a hub kitchen open at St Michael’s Junior Church School that will deliver to St Saviour’s Infant Church School and therefore we do not need to issue vouchers at this time.
Please take advantage of your free school meal by collecting it at the times above. It will also give you an opportunity to share any issues or concerns you might be experiencing at home that we could help with.
Food Parcels
We are working hard to organise additional weekly food parcels for our families and our community. We are working with FareShare South West, organising a team of staff volunteers to accept deliveries to school, collect deliveries from the warehouse, pack parcels and distribute parcels to our community.
Currently the volume of these deliveries is varied. Sometimes there will be enough for 50 parcels, or it could be only 10. Most deliveries arrive on a Monday and will be packed for distribution on a Tuesday.
This is separate from the Government’s Free School Meals (FSM) and will be organised and run by St Saviour’s Schools volunteers. We plan to organise it in the following way.
If there is small and limited number of parcels:
- We will announce on Facebook and Twitter that we have limited food parcels (usually on a Monday afternoon)
- We will phone families on our FSM list and invite them to pick up a parcel
- Any parcels not collected will be offered to our community on a ‘first come, first served’ basis - this will be announced on Facebook and Twitter (usually on a Tuesday afternoon)
- We will rotate the offer to our FSM families on a weekly basis
When we have more parcels than all our families on our FSM list:
- We will announce on Facebook and Twitter (usually on a Monday afternoon) the number of parcels available
- Through this announcement we will invite all FSM families down to school for collection at a certain time (usually this will be late Tuesday morning). We will not make individual phone calls.
- Any parcels not collected or remaining at the School after the allotted collection time will be offered to our community on a ‘first come, first served’ basis - this will be announced on Facebook and Twitter (usually on a Tuesday afternoon).
You can visit our Facebook page and Twitter page without being a member of Facebook or Twitter, but we do advise following both accounts and turning on the notifications so that you do not miss an update.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/StSavioursBath/
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/St_Savioursbath
If you are self-isolating or cannot leave your house, please message us on Facebook or Twitter and we might be able to get a food parcel to you, depending on our volunteer capacity.
Best wishes,
Mr Beament
Sophie Hunt
Mrs Simmons
St Saviour’s Junior Church Schools