Infant Weekly Roundup
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly roundup – Infants
Bedtime story
This week has flown by! It started splendidly with Bedtime story. Thank you to everyone who braved the cold with their children in their pj’s to come and enjoy this event. Thanks also to the PTA who made a sterling job of organising and serving hot chocolate and biscuits to the children and teas and coffees to the adults, the teachers who didn’t mind donning their nightwear to read stories and decorating their rooms to create cosy spaces, and lastly thank you for the donations for the Book Trust. We will let you know the total once the school council have met to count it. For Bedtime story photos click here.
Zelda said, ‘I loved bedtime story. I brought my teddy and we had hot chocolate and a chocolate biscuit.’
The Green Team and Christmas Jumpers
The Green team have been elected. Louise has briefed them on their responsibilities to be Power savers and Recycling Champions. The children will help their classmates to turn off lights when not needed and think of creative ways to reuse, reduce and recycle.
Lyra said, ‘We recycle, reuse and reduce waste so that turtles and fish don’t get stuck in plastic.’ Marigold added, ‘So that animals don’t choke on little bits of plastic.’
Freddie said, so animals don’t die.’
Frank said, ’We need to turn off lights and things so that we don’t waste electricity.’
With her Eco hat on, Louise is running a Christmas Jumper stall after school on Tuesday 29th on the pavement between the two schools. If you have any Christmas jumpers that are now too small that you would like to donate, please bring them to either the Infant or Junior office. For Green team photos click here
As you know we get a delivery every week from Fareshare. What we receive varies from week to week, but I know that it is greatly appreciated within our school and local community. To ensure that as many people have access to it as possible, we will be aiming to keep the food covered until 8:45 when there may be more families on site dropping off children. Fareshare will continue to be for any member of our local community. If you would like access to Fareshare but can’t be here at that time, please contact the infant office.
In other news this week
Finished clay tiles Japan and Morocco
Dates for next week
Christmas Jumper stall Tuesday 29th
Nursery Christmas songs Thursday 1st December 9:30 main Hall
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
We hope you have a great weekend
Best wishes,