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Infants -

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01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Infant weekly roundup

Dear Parents and Carers,


Weekly roundup – Infants


It’s been a wild and soggy week and the sunshine today is definitely welcomed! We do try to get outside in all weathers so please if wellies were taken home for Christmas can they start to come back in again. It’s supposed to be getting colder again next week so layers, coats, hats and scarves at the ready.


It’s the start of a new term and a new year and we’ve been looking at our Caring Code and how it helps us.


Our Caring Code permeates through all that we do at school. It helps us to explore how to care for ourselves, each other, our environment, and the needs of others beyond our school community. Through showing respect we can explore how we respect ourselves and each other, how its ok to have differing opinions and beliefs and how it’s important to be able to share our thoughts and listen to each other. Doing our best helps us to look at developing resilience and learning that its ok to make mistakes or find things tricky. It’s about sticking at something, giving it a go and not giving up. Through our Caring Code children learn that we are not all the same and that that’s ok. We learn that we may learn in different ways and need different resources or support to help us. We celebrate each other’s achievements and support each other if we’re feeling sad.


This is what the children say about the Caring Code.


The Caring code means be nice to people. I play with people, that’s being nice! – Leo

It helps us to be kind. If we don’t be kind our friends will feel sad. – Defne

It helps us to make sure people don’t get hurt and that we have a good time. – Alys

It reminds us about concentrating in our learning. – Xander

It helps us to show respect by looking after people and our stuff. – Stanley and Luca

It’s ok to be different and some people have other ideas. It would be unfair if you didn’t include people in your games. People are allowed to like what they want and wear what they want, as long as they feel comfortable. If you care about them, they will care about you - Eva and Sophie


We are proud of our children and how we work together to make St Saviours a fun, safe and happy place to grow and learn.


In other news


Class assemblies


We are relaunching our class assemblies. This term Morocco Class and Japan class are coming together to share their learning on Friday 10th February (last day of term) This means no celebration assembly but all Morocco and Japan parents and carers welcome. It will start at 9:10 in the hall.


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.


For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.


We hope you have a restful weekend.


Best wishes,

