Infant weekly roundup
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly roundup - Infants
Next week is a very busy week! It starts on the Monday with a visit from Faye our very supportive school improvement person. She’s coming to spend the day looking at how our Voice 21 project on oracy is helping our children from Nursery to year 6 talk about their learning, share their thoughts and express their feelings. We will be creating a little video clip next term to share more information about this project with you. Japan class have thought about what the project has meant to them so far.
Sophie said, ‘I am good at thinking about body language and using a clear voice when I speak.’
Heidi said, ‘I am good at one voice at a time. We take turns to talk and listen, indicating when we want to talk.’
Farleigh Castle
On Tuesday Year 2 are off to Farleigh Castle and on Thursday it’s the Year 1’s turn. We’re excited about going, here’s what we are looking forward to most.
Jennifer said, ‘I’m looking forward to asking are dragons real and do they all have wings?’
Freddie said, ‘I’m looking forward to having a picnic and also seeing the arrow slits.’
Olive said, ‘I’m looking forward to seeing what a castle looks like. I’ve not been to one before.’
Evelyn said, ‘I’m looking forward to looking out the window and seeing nature. I know there’s a ditch but not a moat.’
Seedling swap
After school Wednesday/ Thursday and Friday seedlings will be outside the front of the school. Please come and take a plant and donate some of your own if you wish.
Friday is Green day and it’s also Reception classes assembly. On this day all the children are invited to come into school in their own clothes wearing something green (even Reception). Please don’t worry, the green token can be big or small - head to toe in green, or green socks, or a green hairband/green on a t-shirt etc. If you don’t own anything green, again do not worry, maybe your child could make a green ‘badge’ to attach to their clothes. If your child doesn’t like coming to school in their own clothes and wishes to wear their school uniform that day then that is fine also!
Thank you
Just want to say a huge thank you to all the parent and carers who have volunteered to come on the trips next week, who have or are helping with the Junior school spring clean and who help with Popcorn Friday and other FOSS events. Your support makes such a difference to our school community.
We have an advert out for Nursery Lead 23 hours a week please see website for details.
We hope you have a great weekend.
Best wishes,