Infant weekly roundup
Dear Parents and Carers
Weekly roundup – Infants
It’s certainly starting to feel a lot more Autumnal! We’ve been caught out a few times with the rain this week. Please can I remind you to send in wellies for your child so we can access all of our school grounds during these wetter months. If your child needs to borrow some wellies, please let us know – we do have a selection of sizes.
Harvest – collection for Julian House
Thank you to for the donations so far. Please do keep bringing them in over the next week. We will organise for the donations to be collected at the end of the day Friday 15th October. If you can help Year 1 and 2 walk to church on Monday 10th for our Harvest Celebration, please let your child’s class teacher know, we will be leaving school at 1:30pm. If you are able to join us at the Church for 2pm you would be very welcome. Children will be sharing reflections on what they are thankful for, reading Harvest poems and singing four Harvest songs – all of which are very catchy!
In other news this week.
New children to nursery are settling well and are continuing to enjoy the Nursery environment, making pictures with shapes and using playdough to make current buns and singing ‘5 current buns in a baker’s shop’.
Reception have been looking for signs of Autumn and making hedgehogs click here for photos. They found lots of leaves and identified them on their leaf chart, sorted lots of seeds and used natural materials to make their hedgehogs.
Year 1 have been finding out about and naming their internal organs. Alianna said, ‘I can name my heart and lungs, look I am wearing this top that shows you where they all are!
Year 2 have been creating portraits of Henry VIII click here. They have enjoyed finding out that Henry thought quite a lot of himself and enjoyed feasts of swan or squirrel pie!
Click here to find out about our vacancies of admin assistant and caretaker.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
We hope you have a restful weekend, and we look forward to more fun learning in week 6.
Best wishes