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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Junior Weekly Roundup

Dear Parents and Carers,


It’s been a creative week at the Juniors. 


Wonder class artwork


Wonder class created artwork inspired by Jazz music. Click here to find out more about this. 


Year 3 and 4


Years 3 and 4 have been combining the styles and ideas of two different artists to create pictures of the rainforest. Click here to see their final pieces. 


Parents evening


It was brilliant to welcome parents and carers into school this week. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to speak with teachers and celebrate some of your children’s great work. 


Dates for your diary:

Christmas Jumper stall – Tuesday 29th November

Christmas dinner day and Christmas Jumper day – Wednesday 14th December

Christmas Fair – Saturday 3rd December



Click here to find out about our vacancy of Teaching Assistant. 


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.


For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend,


Best wishes,

Mrs Simmons

