Lockdown update - All children to return to school on Monday 8th March
We are delighted that all children will be returning to school full time on Monday 8th March. Below are some key points which may be useful when you are getting ready for next week.
COVID Risk Assessment
We have updated our risk assessment, and this will be uploaded to our website by midday tomorrow (Friday) here. There are only small changes; most of these are reinstating measures we had in place before the lockdown. All changes on the January 2021 Risk Assessment will be highlighted in yellow.
Lockdown – ‘stay at home’
Please remember, that even though children are returning to school, the ‘stay at home’ rule is still in place and will remain in place until at least March 29th.
This means that you should only leave your home for limited reasons and meeting other families at the park or in households before or after school is not allowed. The full Government guidance can be found here.
Laptop Bank
As children return to school, we are asking for all loaned laptops to be returned to school between Wednesday 10th March and Friday 12th March. Please bring your laptop to the Junior Office where it will be checked and signed back in. These laptops will be used in school by the children and available for loan for children who have to work from home due to isolation.
Hot Meals
From Monday 8th March hot meals will again be cooked in our onsite kitchens. The menus can be found here. Next week will be ‘Week 1’.
Warm clothes – outside learning
The weather is getting better however, there are still chilly and wet days. To make sure we can learn outside as much as possible please ensure your children have coats and waterproofs suitable for our varied British weather in school each day.
Children will need to wear uniform next week, but we understand that they might have grown out of certain items. If you are struggling to get uniform that fits please let the class teacher know. Children’s feet can grow so quickly, and shops have been closed so your children’s black shoes may not fit. In this instance, children will be permitted to wear trainers until further notice (please do not wear sandals).
Rapid Lateral Flow Testing for households
From 1 March 2021, if you are a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of staff or a pupil you can get a twice-weekly test:
- through your employer if they offer testing to employees
- at a local test site
- by collecting a home test kit from a test site
- by ordering a home test kit online
More info from the DfE can be found here
Information about school start/ finish times and wraparound care
Please refer to my last communication for this information here
See you next week
As always, thank you for your continued support, we can’t wait to see you all on Monday.
Best wishes,
Mr J Beament
Executive Headteacher
St Saviour’s Schools