Make The Rules For April Fools - the results!
Dear children, teachers, support staff and families,
Make the rules for April Fools!
The Infant School and Junior School Councils have met this morning to discuss the new rules that will be in place for April Fools (Thursday 1st April).
There were three rules that went straight onto the list because they were suggested by so many children and the last two were chosen by the school councils from the remaining suggestions.
The new rules are:
1. Children and Teachers can wear non-uniform or fancy dress. Mr Beament, Sophie and Mrs Simmons MUST be dressed up as superheroes.
2. Special hot lunch menu for the children.
Infant School
Fish and Chips OR Veggie Burger
Junior School
Fish and Chips OR Pizza Baguette
3. Mandatory extra playtime for all classes (20 minutes)
4. Extra Discovery Time or Golden Time for all classes
5. Extra art lesson for all classes
We can’t wait for Thursday. Thank you for all your rules suggestions and donations to the PTA. We have raised £131.
Best wishes,
Infant School Council and Junior School Council