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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

School Updates

We have had a wonderful week welcoming all of the children back to school. The corridors have been buzzing with a sea of smiles across our two schools.


Below are some key messages and reminders.


Parents’ Evenings


We have moved our second Parents’ Evenings to 27th and 29th April 2021 in Term 5 (historically we have held them this term).


Parents Evening will be held online and more details will be sent out before the end of term.




Please can we remind all families who have borrowed a laptop for Home Learning to return this to the Junior School office. These can be dropped off on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday next week.


Home Learning exercise books 


If your child(ren) have completed work in an exercise book during lockdown, please bring these back into school. The teachers would love to have a look at the work that was produced by the children.


Red Nose Day – Friday 19th March


We will be celebrating Red Nose Day this year with crazy hair!


As haircuts have been limited and varied during lockdown it feels like a great time to take advantage of some messy hair cuts and have a crazy hair theme. Use gel, hair spray and maybe some temporary colour to create a hair style that Worzel Gummidge would be proud of.


If you would like to donate to the Red Nose Day charities, please do this directly via We will not be collecting or asking children to bring in a donation.


This year we are not allowing children in bring in Red Nose or other merchandise due to COVID restrictions and hygiene.


Road works – Spring Lane


Wessex water need to carry out essential maintenance works in Spring Lane.


They are planning to install 160M of new water mains in the area to replace an aging water main that has had quite a few bursts over the past couple of years. These works are due to commence 29th March and the works will take around four weeks to complete. 


Wellies – Infant Children


Please don’t forget to bring your children’s named wellies back into school. This will help us to continuously use our muddy outside spaces for play and learning.


Lockdown – ‘stay at home’


Please remember, that even though children are returning to school, the ‘stay at home’ rule is still in place and will remain in place until at least March 29th


This means that you should only leave your home for limited reasons. Meeting other families at the park or in households before or after school is not allowed. The full Government guidance can be found here.


When you arrive and leave the school sites please ensure your children do not use the play equipment or resources. Children have allocated zones for play and using the equipment outside of the school day will undermine our rota systems and hygiene measures.


Nursery Lead and Teaching Assistant vacancies 


We have vacancies. Click here for more information. 


We were on the Bath and Wiltshire Magazine website this week.


Click here to read the article


Briefing for COVID 19 Rapid Testing for those without symptoms


BANES public health have released a briefing for parents and carers. This document is attached to the email.


Further communications 


We hope you have found these weekly updates useful during lockdown. Now the children are back in school we will revert back to our fortnightly newsletters where we can celebrate children’s learning and give families messages and reminders.


When we need to share more substantial pieces of information, we will email families as we have done before lockdown. 

