School updates
I hope this email find you well and that your children are enjoying their transition activities and online sessions.
Below is an update on our current planning in regards to the end of term and the summer holidays.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) in September
After 4 years at the Junior School, Mrs Eve (Junior School SENCO) will be leaving the school at the end of this school year as she moves to a new job in the Wellsway Multi-Academy Trust in Keynsham. Sara Hibbs (Infant School SENCO) will be taking over the SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) responsibility from September across both schools.
If your child has SEND and you would like an initial or introductory conversation with Sara before the end of term please email and she would be more than happy to organise this with you.
Food parcels
The last food parcels will be sent out from the Infant School kitchen on 14th July.
Unfortunately, we are unable to continue this service over the holiday as the kitchens need to be deep cleaned and prepared for reopening in September.
We have asked FareShare for a larger final delivery so we can issue extra large parcels to our families and community to support them over the first few weeks of the Summer holidays.
If this will leave you in a difficult position over the holiday there are some organisations you can contact:
- The ‘FOOD Club’ – an organization supported by FareShare that offer significantly reduced food. Contact:
- 3SG – Compassionate Community - an organisation to connect people who are in need and is supported by Virgin Care and BANES they can support families in a variety of ways they also have a direct link to wellbeing support
- Age Concern - 01793 687017 or 01225 466135 they can provide a hot, two course meal delivered to home for £6.50 per meal
Summer Food Vouchers
The Government has now confirmed that all children that are entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) will receive a supermarket voucher to spend on food over the summer holidays. We are currently processing this for all eligible families and you should receive your voucher directly from the Government (likely to be the company EdenRed). You do not need to contact school or make an application for this voucher.
My next communication
I will write to you again in the near future with further information that will include:
- September plans – Government guidance has been published today and we are currently planning to accommodate all children returning to school in September
- Summer Support – Details of support we will be able to offer and organise over the summer break
- End of year reports – Including details of when you will receive your child’s report and what will be included
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
Best Wishes,
Mr Joe Beament
Executive Headteacher
St Saviour’s Infant Church School and St Saviour’s Junior Church School