Talking about Russia and Ukraine at home and at school
Whilst we are geographically far away from the events, some of our families may be directly affected and with family roots in the region. The news and social media feeds are filled with the latest information, and some of it is very upsetting and worrying; and may not even be verified. Children listening and viewing distressing images can become frightened and fearful.
Below is a list of resources you may wish to access at home to support you with discussing the conflict with your children. We are discussing the situation with children as this comes up and at times when we feel this is appropriate. Class teachers will assess when discussions around this sensitive topic are required to meet the needs of individual classes and individuals in each classroom. For the older children in the Junior School, we will predominantly use BBC Newsround to aid discussions around this topic in planned class assemblies. We feel these are well pitched and sensitive to the situation whilst giving the children age appropriate information. As with all class assemblies, there is time for questions and further discussion with teachers in a safe environment.
If you would like further support in anyway, please let us know.
Resources for parents and carers:
Supporting your child if they see upsetting content online about what is happening in Ukraine (Childnet)
We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine (Schools Week/Children's Commissioner)
Help for teachers and families to talk to pupils about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and how to help them avoid misinformation (Department for Education)
BBC Newsround links and videos for children, schools and families: