The New Term
We hope you have had a relaxing summer and we are looking forward to welcoming all children back to school next week.
At the end of last term we sent an email to parents about the arrangements for the return to school and this email was also posted on our website and can be found here on the school website noticeboard. We would like to encourage families to read this again before next week.
Our ‘After School SuperPirates Club’ will be starting on Monday 7th September as stated in the link above, unfortunately the SuperPirates registration has not currently been completed due to a backlog at Ofsted. If the registration is not in place by the 7th September parents will have to book directly with the schools through the online payment system until the registration has been processed. We will confirm these details next week.
Both school teams are in school next Tuesday and Wednesday (1st and 2nd September) for INSET days and if you have any questions regarding the start of term please feel free to give us a call.
We look forward to seeing the children on Thursday 3rd September.