Updates and arrangements for next week (wb 8th June)
Dear Parents and Carers,
Week beginning 8th June
This email is to confirm the arrangements and updates from 8th June regarding illness, Home Learning, Key Worker Groups and some ‘back to school’ information.
Temperature Checks and illness
Please check your child(ren)'s temperature each morning before they leave for school. Do not send children to school if they are unwell or have any symptoms (however mild) of COVID19.
Please inform the school if your child is displaying any symptoms of COVID19.
It is very important that we have a contact number for all children in the event of illness. Please ensure there is a contact who can be called away from work to collect a child.
If a child shows any symptoms of the virus while they are in school, it will be very important that they are isolated from other children and staff. Each school will have a designated room that will be used for a child while waiting for collection. A member of staff in PPE will care for them until collection.
If any child or adult shows symptoms of the virus we will inform all parents within their bubble group. It is important that any adult or child showing symptoms of COVID19 is tested, and that school is informed of the test result ASAP. In the event of a positive test result all children and adults in that bubble group will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. We will update this guidance in line with Government policy.
Key Worker groups
Key Worker families have all received a phone call this week to establish your provision needs. Thank you for helping us with this.
As explained in my last email, all Key Worker children need to arrive at the bottom Junior School gate (drop off point 8) between 08:45 and 09:00.
The children have been split into 3 groups (mainly by age) and will be told their group when they arrive on their first day.
Home Learning
Thank you for your continued support of home learning and the work you are completing at home with your child(ren).
As we open the school to more children next week, more teachers and adults will be in school, teaching groups, and therefore these adults will not be available in the same way to support with home learning. We have arranged that ‘home learning menus’ will continue and can be accessed in the normal way from the home learning page https://www.stsavioursbath.co.uk/home-learning/.
However, there will be some changes to the adults responsible for these year groups.
Year group |
Teacher in charge of Home Learning menus |
Adult(s) available on Teams |
When will the adult be on Teams to help? |
Reception |
Catherine |
Catherine |
Dropping in between 8 and 5 Monday to Friday |
Year 1 |
Kamala |
Kamala |
Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday |
Year 2 |
Kamala |
Kamala |
Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday |
Year 3 |
Mrs Lewis |
Mrs Lewis |
Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday |
Year 4 |
Miss Markwell |
Miss Markwell |
Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday and Tuesday only |
Year 5 |
Miss Drake |
Miss Drake |
Dropping in between 9 and 12 Monday to Friday |
Year 6 |
Mrs Barlow |
Mrs Barlow |
Dropping in between 9.15 and 10.15 Monday to Friday |
Accessing school site
When children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 6 and Key Worker children arrive at school for their first session, school will feel different and we have some rules that must be followed at all times to keep us all safe. These are displayed around both schools and are below:
Rules to keep us safe
1. Use the yellow lines and keep your 2 metre distance
2. One parent or carer to drop off and pick up only
3. ‘Give way’ to families leaving the school site
4. No loitering in or around school
5. Arrive on time—not early and not late
6. Hold young children by the hand or use a buggy
7. Please be patient
Your first day
We have created a series of helpful videos for the children that we hope will calm nerves and help when preparing for your first day at school!
The videos can found here
Behaviour Management
We have made some amendments to the school’s behaviour policies in light of our COVID19 risk assessment. These policies can be found here on the school website. All changes will be highlighted in blue for quick reference. These policies will be kept under review as we start to open to more children, please refer back to this page for the most up to date versions.
Previous update emails
For your reference, all previous update emails and information I have sent to families can be found on the website ‘notice board’ here.
As always thank you for your continued support, we look forward to seeing more children and families next week and please email if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Mr Beament
Executive Headteacher
St Saviour’s Schools