Weekly roundup
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly roundup
Eco school award
The Infant school has been awarded the Green Flag award again for their Eco work in school. Each year we have an action plan that the Green Team help us achieve. This year Louise and the Team have rewritten our Earth Eco – Code to include the 5 R’s adding ‘refuse’ and ‘repurpose’.
Everyone saving energy and water
Aiming for a healthy life
Reuse, refuse, repurpose and recycle
Taking care of our environment
Helping to reduce waste
Part of this work has been our second hand uniform rail that also includes coats and shoes. We are hoping to achieve this award across both schools next year.
Green Day
Next week is Green week in school and National walk to school week. All children across both schools are invited to wear Green on Thursday for our Green Day. This can be home clothes head to toe in green or home clothes with a token something green. This is a non-uniform day. We understand that for some children a non-uniform day can feel uncomfortable so please do whatever is best for your child. After school that day in the Infant playground we will be holding a seedling swap. Please bring any seedlings that you may have at home to swap with the ones children have been growing in school, or just come and get a seedling.
Our Amazing Year 6’s
We are so proud of all of our year 6’s, they have been absolute stars! We couldn’t have been more impressed with how they conducted themselves throughout the week, whether in the tests themselves or during their down time. They have shown great maturity and resilience and were calm and took it all in their stride. Click here for SAT’s breakfast and here for Back Field’s fun!
I think I did well . At the end of year 5 I was worried but it was actually ok because I had everyone around me. It was funny watching Mrs Lewis and Sophie trying to get a wasp out if our room. Amelia C
I felt good about myself because I managed to get it all done. All the practice tests we did made me feel more confident. When the final test was over I knew that when the test results came in whatever they are I could be proud of myself. Ellis
I was a bit nervous but it made me feel better talking to my friends in breakfast club. There was lots of fun times after the tests. I think I did a good job. Poppy
In other news this week
Year 5’s practising their sales pitches using their Oracy skills for Enterprise Day
Working as a team to make the perfect sandwich
Yr 6 Scientists
We can’t quite believe that we are coming towards the end of another term! Get ready because Term 6 is a whopper!
Here are some key dates, they have been added to the school calendar
Thursday 5th June Yr5 Enterprise Day
Tuesday 18th June Sports day Years 1 and 2 9:30 – 10:30 and Juniors 10:30 – 12:30 (second date if postponed due to weather, Thursday 20th times as Tuesday, St Marks Astro Turf
Wednesday 19th June Stay and Play Preschool children 9:30 – 10:30
Tuesday 25th June Reception Sports Day 2:45pm Infant playground
Tuesday 25th June Year 2 Parents and Carers welcome evening at the Juniors 6:00 – 7:00pm
Thursday 27th June - International Day Infant and Junior’s
Friday 28th June Mexico Class Assembly 9:05-9:30
Thursday 4th July – Move up morning
Tuesday 9th July – Yr 6 Production (PM)
Wednesday 10th July – Yr 6 Production 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Tuesday 16th July – Reception Class Assembly Infant Hall
Friday 19thth July – Year 2 Leavers Assembly 9:05 – 9:30 Infant hall
Monday 22nd July – Year 6 Leavers Assembly 9:10 – 9:40 Junior Hall
Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
Nursery Painters
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far to come and paint the nursery on Saturday 25th May. We have 9 people so far. If you can spare a few hours 9:30 -12:30 to join us please let us know.
Party in the City
It’s the start of Bath Festival tonight in the centre of town. The weather is looking fine so it should be lots of fun!
We hope that you all have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you Monday ready for week 6.
Best wishes,
Sophie Hunt