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Infants -

01225 310137

Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly roundupĀ - Infant School

The week began with more visits to Paul’s Garden. The pond is fascinating at the moment full of frog spawn and we can see the little black specks changing shape and beginning to wiggle on a daily basis. The nursery children found out that it takes 10 days for the tadpoles to emerge. Click here for photos. 


On Tuesday we welcomed children from the community for our third Stay and Play. We went on a Bear Hunt in the Willow Garden, telling the story with actions and instruments and then hunting for bears! We also had a little peak into the pond in Paul’s Garden and looked for bears there too. We sang songs and had a such fun! Thanks to all who came, and I look forward to the next session on Tuesday 10th May for den building in the Willow Garden. Click here for photos. 


Playtimes are hugely fun at both St Saviours schools, and we are excited to announce that next Wednesday 6th April, we will be taking part in our OPAL final audit.  


Our school council fed back their thoughts. 


Tom said, ‘I like playing tag in the Willow Garden because there’s lots of places where you can hide.’ 

Keeley said, ‘I like playing in the Peace Garden because it’s very peaceful and I like making soups.’ 

Molly said, ‘I like it on the big playground with the bikes.’ 

Frank said, ‘I like the football pitch because I get to score lots of goals.’ 


We are really looking forward to sharing our wonderful play opportunities with Rachel who has been supporting us on our Opal journey. Click here for Playtime fun 


On Monday we will be walking to church for our Easter service at 2pm. Thank you to those of you who have volunteered to help us walk. We have been learning about why Easter is such an important part of the Christian calendar. We look forward to seeing you there. 


I am so pleased to see the Little Free Library being used and loved again. Please can you return the books once you have read them and then please help yourself to another. I am looking to introduce another Little Free Library with Chapter books shortly.  


If you have any books that your children have outgrown that are still in a good condition, we gladly welcome donations. 


Lastly, can you help? 


Please see below a message from Marc, family of the two girls who have joined the juniors from Ukraine. (To see the lovely welcome a Year 3 child gave to her new classmate, click here.) He is looking for help for housing two families. Please get in touch with him directly if you are able to and would like to help. 

"We have 2 families from Kviv, Ukraine who are friends of two of our students who have themselves just joined us from the conflict. 

These families have escaped Ukraine and are hoping to come to the UK and Bath on the Ukraine Homes for refugees scheme to be with close friends they have here already. 

They are going to need a 2 or 3 bed house to stay in - to be close to their friends and join our community here - and wondered if anyone might have or know of anything suitable for them. 

The first family is a mother and her 2 daughters (aged 8 and 3) and the grandmother. The second family is mother and her two sons (aged 12 and 15) and they also have a dog. 

Thank you so much for your help.” 


If you know of anything please do get in touch directly with Fairfield Park resident Marc Wilson on or 07958417845. Marc is family of the 2 girls who have just joined the Junior school. 


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days. 


For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 


Best wishes 


