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St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly roundup – Infant School

Welcome back to term 4! 


The children have returned relaxed but with renewed energy and enthusiasm, the half term break has done us all the world of good.  


In true St Saviours fashion it’s been another busy week and it was wonderful to be able to invite you in to school for our Open classroom events.  


Reception children started the week finding out about Pancake day. They mixed their own batter, talking about the method and ingredients used to make them. Then Lisa showed off her skills by flipping them three times! Stanley told me that pancake day is called Shrove Tuesday and George told me that it’s important for Christians because it’s the count down to Easter. Click here 


Stay and Play – preschool children 


On Tuesday we welcomed preschool children from the wider community to come for our second stay and play session. We had such fun in Pauls Garden, spotting frogs and pond dipping, weaving through the trees and bushes pretending to be birds and collecting natural materials to make our own work of art. See the photo of our artwork here 

The next Stay and Play session is Tuesday 29th March and ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’! 


World Book Day 


Yesterday was another exciting day celebrating World Book Day and our love of reading. The children looked marvellous dressed in their favourite book characters. Joanna led an assembly where all the children got to take part in a parade and join in with the World book Day Rap. 

In nursery the children enjoyed many stories that they had bought in. Grayson shared Excitable Edgar and story about a little dragon. Ella was Superworm and the children enjoyed that story too. 


Thomas said, ‘I dressed up as Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs. I had lots of dinosaurs. I love the book when he goes on the train with his dinosaurs. 

Lilly said, ‘I dressed up as Elsa. We visited Joanna’s class. She was dressed as Stick Lady Love from the Stickman stories. We did acting, it was very funny. 

Marley said, ‘Louise was Percy the Park Keeper and we did an animal treasure hunt. I found 8 animals. 

Charlie J said, ‘I love reading. We read chapter books in class. We are reading Matilda. When there are no pictures the words conjure the pictures in my head. 

Jason said, ‘I love reading books about Superheroes. The Avenger’s is really good. Spiderman is part of the Avengers and I dressed up as him. The stories are exciting. 

Keeley May said,’ I enjoyed changing classes. We heard the story of the Bog Baby in Kamala’s. I made a Bog Baby, he had button eyes. I love reading because books tell you interesting things. 


World book day photos click here 




Thank you for all the donations that are coming in to support the conflict in Ukraine. Obviously, the war in Ukraine is a worrying time and we all want to do our part to help. The children wanted to talk about it in Monday’s assembly this week. We have very simply talked about how Ukraine used to be part of Russia and that 30 years ago it became independent and began to make up its own rules, but now Russia feels that Ukraine should still be part of Russia. We have reassured the children that there is lots of support for Ukraine from other countries and that the people in power want to help to work towards keeping everyone safe. Here is the link to some useful sites to support discussions with your children if you feel that they are appropriate or if questions are asked. We have reminded the children that we have our Hopes, Prayers, Wishes and Worries boxes in our classrooms and that all adults are here to listen and explore anything that is on their minds. 


Talking about Ukraine and Russia with your child at home and at school click here 


Ukraine collection click here 


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days. 

For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.  


I hope that you have a lovely weekend 


Best Wishes  


