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01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly Roundup – Infant School



The children really enjoyed the visit from Katrina Hart. They emerged from the hall with huge smiles and red faces from the ‘really hard’ exercises that they had taken part on. Lucas said, ‘We had to do squats and jumping jacks! My heart was beating fast after.’ 


Click here and here to see a year 1 video and photos from the day 


Author Visit Emma 


Today we’ve welcomed Emma Perry a real-life author! The children enjoyed listening to her read. Emma dressed the children up as characters from the story. 


 Tommy said, ‘I can use my hands to make a really good alien tail.’  

Alfie said,’ I was dressed as a dragon. The character was fierce.’  

Eva asked, ‘How old were you when you started writing?’ The answer was 42! 

Emma asked us what we’d like to be when we grow up. Amelia said, ‘I’d like to test out beds and be a professional sleeper!’ This made us all laugh. 


To see photos of the day click here


Science Week 


As if a visit from a Paralympian and a visit from an author isn’t excitement enough, next week is Science week! This has been inspired by National Science Week (it was in fact this week but there were too many other exciting things happening). We are encouraging the children to ask What if questions and we are building in activities from National Science week around Growth. 


Sky said, ‘A scientist is someone who does experiments.’ 

Elijah said, ‘ Science is fun. We’re learned that some animals hunt for meat. They are called carnivores.’ Eva said, ‘We went into Paul’s Garden to hunt for animal footprints. We found a fox, badger, a type of bird and a squirrel….they were only pretend!’ 


We would also really like it if you could discuss one of these questions each day at home next week. We hope it stimulates some scientific discussion and their interest in the world around us. If you would like to find out more, this website is a free resource to access more ideas:?


  1. What if humans hibernated? 
  1. What if winter never ended? 
  1. What if plants can move from one place to another? 
  1. What if you had magnets for fingers? 
  1. What if the ice caps melted? 


Calling all Gardeners 


We are looking for green fingered volunteers to make up a gardening team that includes a parent gardening coordinator. We are so lucky to have so many green spaces in our school site but they do require love and care. We want to focus our efforts on our Kitchen Garden which we use to teach the children about where their food comes from, and healthy eating and planting.  


If you feel that you could offer some time or would be interested in joining a gardening team please can you contact me. Once we have a team of people we will be looking to run a session either after drop off or after pick up. The children are of course involved in the gardening too, but it’s too large a project for us to maintain. 


We are also planning a seedling swap for the end of term 5. If you have any yoghurt pots/ old plant pots or any seeds for planting that you are happy to donate please bring to the infant office. 


Link to Nursery Lead advert here 


Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days. 

For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page


I hope you have a lovely weekend enjoying this sunshine. 


Best wishes 


