Weekly roundup Infants
Dear Parents and Carers,
Weekly roundup Infants
The term started with excitement and enthusiasm for Pancake day. Reception helped make the pancake batter and Sarah in the kitchen cooked and flipped them showing off her skills! Nursery talked about their favourite pancake toppings and designed their own pancakes on plates. Year 1 and 2 had a tasting session and had pancake races in the playground. The children found out why Shrove Tuesday is an important event in the Christian calendar, how it symbolises a time to reflect and how some people chose to give up something or change something for the period of Lent in the lead up to Easter. Click here for Japan class and here for Child class photos.
World Book Day
Next week is World Book Day which we are celebrating on Friday 3rd March. Here is a message from Joanna our English Lead
We are celebrating World Book Day, “changing lives through a love of books and reading” with an opportunity for your child to come dressed up as their favourite book character.
We appreciate that some children do not like dressing up. They are welcome to wear their own clothes (coming as a child from a book), or they could come to school in their usual school uniform if they feel more comfortable with this.
During the day children will get to take part in fun activities with a focus on drama. Teachers will be sharing their favourite stories with the children and running short workshops throughout the day. Children will have the opportunity to visit different classrooms to hear these stories and take part in the drama activities. This will allow children to take on different character roles, tell stories and perform supporting the work we are doing as part of our Voice 21 project where we are enhancing our speaking and listening skills.
We are all looking forward to dressing up and celebrating a love of reading.
A message from the school council and Kamala
School Council have been busy thinking about who we would like to raise money for next and how. School Council had lots of ideas about raising money for families in our country and around the world and so we have exciting news- the school councillors have decided to raise money for Comic Relief! We will be doing this on Friday 17th March on Red Nose Day.
Each class will be doing something different- see below. The whole school also hope to take part in a dance along with Gethin on Morning Live.
Japan will do a sponsored run- distance to be confirmed by Japan Class.
Morocco will wear a special t-shirt or silly hat day and will bring in a donation to do this.
France will do a sponsored Lego build.
Brazil will decorate cakes or biscuits and sell them after school.
Chile will have a cake stall with cakes/biscuits donated from home.
We are looking forward to a fun day and thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions please talk to your child’s class teacher.
Some Key dates for your diary
Science week beginning 13th March (week 4)
Parents and Carers evenings France class 13th and 16th March
Parents and Carers evening all other classes 21st and 23rd March
Dance Umbrella Year 2 Monday 20th march
France class assembly Thursday 30th March at 9:10
Job vacancies
We currently have vacancies for four job roles across the St Saviour’s sites. If you are interested in finding out more about these roles (including SEN TA, multi-site manager and Early Years Practitioner), please click here
Don’t forget to subscribe to our online school calendar. Our calendar is the place where you can check for events, term dates and INSET days.
For a window into our school please follow us on social media. We regularly update our Twitter page and Facebook page.
We hope you have a good weekend.
Best wishes