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Infants -

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Junior -

01225 310137

St Saviour's Church Schools

Weekly Roundup Infants

Dear Parents and Carers,


Weekly roundup  - Infants


Welcome back


I hope that you all had a good rest over half term and it’s been great to welcome everyone back. It’s been a wet and windy start to Term 4! With this in mind, we do try to get outside whatever the weather so please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat with a hood and a pair of named wellies in school. We do have some coats on our clothes rail by the main office and some spare wellies in school, so please let us know if we can help in any way.


New Discovery Themes


Nursery – We love Spring


Reception – Springtime


Years 1 and 2 – Bath, Past and Present


Science Competition


Over the Christmas holidays, Louise set a challenge of completing a science experiment. We are pleased to announce that the winners are brother and sister Evie and Barney. They chose the rocket experiment.


Barney said, ‘We bought the rocket then we had to fill it with water. We put it on the launcher with 3 big bottles. It was hard work pumping the rocket. I really enjoyed pulling the string and making it launch.’


Evie said, ‘It was my idea to do the rocket experiment. You must only put half a cup of water in otherwise the bottle will break and it will explode. It surprised me that it went so high and so far that it got stuck in the tree. I had to climb the tree to get it back down.’


Well done to Evie and Barney and well done to all the other scientists who took part. We were really impressed with all the experiments. They all looked lots of fun!


Open the Book


On Tuesday, we welcomed volunteers from St Saviours Church to lead an Open the Book assembly for Years 1 and 2. They shared the parable of ‘The picnic on the hill.’

Molly said, ‘The story told us about Jesus and how he shared 5 loaves and 3 fishes between 5000 people. He asked God to make lots. The message is if we all come together and share, we can feed everyone.’


Key dates


Parents and Carers evenings next week (week beginning 26/2/24). If your child is in Wales or Ireland class please enter the school building through the courtyard (Through the main playground, past nursery and into the courtyard). If your child is in Years 1 and 2 please enter the building through the Key Stage 1 entrance by Mexico class. Thank you


Dance Umbrella Year 2 – Monday 18th March


Easter service at the Church – Monday 20th March at 2:00pm


We hope that you have a lovely weekend.


Best wishes,


